RPA Development Future: Trends and Opportunities

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has rapidly transformed from a niche technology to a powerful driver of efficiency and productivity across industries. But the story doesn\’t end there. As we peer into the future of RPA development, a landscape brimming with emerging trends and exciting opportunities unfolds. This article explores how advancements in artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and user-centric design are shaping the evolution of RPA. We\’ll uncover the potential of these trends, highlighting the benefits they offer businesses and the challenges they present. You\’ll be well-equipped to navigate the future of RPA, unlock new levels of automation and propel your business forward.

1. What is RPA?

RPA stands for Robotic Process Automation. It\’s a technology that uses software robots, also called bots, to automate repetitive tasks on a computer. Think of it as a digital assistant who can handle all the boring, rule-based work you do on your computer. So you can free up for more creative and strategic tasks. Driven by digital transformation and the constant chase for efficiency, RPA is becoming an indispensable part of any business\’s toolbox.

2. Benefits of RPA

A Deloitte Global RPA Survey found that organizations have enjoyed enormous benefits from RPA. Respondents report that it, “meets and exceeds expectations across multiple dimensions including: improved compliance (92%), improved quality/accuracy (90%), improved productivity (86%), cost reduction (59%).”

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

  • Automate repetitive tasks: Free up your team from tedious, manual tasks like data entry, form processing, and order fulfilment to focus on more strategic and value-added activities.
  • Work 24/7 without errors: RPA bots operate tirelessly without getting tired or making mistakes, resulting in faster turnaround times and improved accuracy.
  • Streamline processes: Simplify complex workflows by automating steps and eliminating manual handoffs, leading to smoother and more efficient operations.

Cost Savings and Improved Resource Allocation

  • Reduce workforce costs: Reduce the need for manual labor for repetitive tasks, allowing you to optimize your staff size and allocation.
  • Minimise human error costs: Eliminate costly mistakes caused by manual data entry and other human errors, saving you money on rework and corrections.
  • Improve compliance: Ensure consistent adherence to regulations and company policies through automated processes.

Enhanced Customer Service and Growth

  • Faster response times: Handle customer inquiries and requests quickly and efficiently, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • 24/7 availability: Provide consistent service even outside of business hours, giving your customers a better experience.
  • Focus on higher-value interactions: Free up your employees to dedicate time to personalised customer service and relationship building, driving better results for your business.

Scalability and Agility

  • Easily adapt to growth: RPA scales seamlessly with your business needs, allowing you to automate new tasks and processes as you grow.
  • Increase agility and responsiveness: Quickly adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs by changing or adapting your automated processes.
  • Improve decision-making: Gain valuable insights and data through automated reporting and analysis, leading to better business decisions.

RPA adoptions in SMEs

RPA offers a host of benefits for businesses of all sizes, but for SMEs, it can be a game-changer. Numerous examples showcase successful RPA implementations in SMEs across various sectors. Finance, healthcare, retail, and logistics are some common areas where SMEs are leveraging RPA to automate tasks and streamline operations. Here are some additional benefits for SMEs:

  • Lower barrier to entry: Compared to other automation solutions, it is relatively affordable and easy to implement, making it accessible for even small businesses.
  • Quick ROI: SMEs can typically see a return on their investment in RPA within a short time frame due to the cost savings and efficiency gains.
  • Improved employee morale: Freeing employees from tedious tasks can boost morale and engagement, leading to a happier and more productive workforce.

3. The Rise of RPA Industry

Robotic process automation is rapidly transforming the business landscape.  A 2024 Survey by Gartner showed that “73% of CIOs said their enterprise plans to increase funding on AI and machine learning in 2024 compared to 2023”. This burgeoning industry is experiencing explosive growth, here\’s a glimpse into the current landscape:

Market Size and Growth

The global RPA market size was valued at USD 2,942.7 million in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 24.7 billion by 2030, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 39.9% from 2023 to 2030. This growth is fueled by factors, such as rising adoption across industries, advancements in AI and ML and focus on digital transformation.

Leading Players and Trends

From Asia\’s rising stars like China and India to established technological powerhouses like Japan, the US, and Germany, a diverse range of countries are making major strides in the RPA space. 

These vendors are constantly innovating and expanding their offerings, with a focus on cloud-based RPA solutions, cognitive RPA and hyper automation.

Examples of RPA in Action

  • HSBC: HSBC is implementing self-learning robotic process automation to eliminate manual processing and cut I.T. headcount. By training operations teams to use RPA tools, the bank has already saved about 200 full-time employee positions in China. This move highlights HSBC\’s emphasis on technology and cost reduction.
  • Maersk: Maersk Line, the largest container shipping company, has been using RPA since 2016. They have automated 12% of their procurement processes and are now combining RPA with AI to reach 75% automation.
  • NHS: The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK implemented robotic process automation (RPA) to quickly increase productivity and efficiency during the COVID-19 pandemic. The solution handles a large volume of transactions and reduce manual work for staff to focus on more critical tasks.

4. The 2024 Future of RPA

4.1. No-code RPA

Think of no-code RPA as unlocking a hidden superpower for businesses: 

  • Breaking the coding barrier: No-code platforms use intuitive interfaces and drag-and-drop functionality, making automation accessible to anyone, regardless of their programming skills. This opens up a vast new talent pool for RPA initiatives, democratising the technology and unleashing its true potential.
  • Cost-effectiveness unleashed: Imagine cutting out the need for expensive consultants and developers! No-code platforms put the power directly in the hands of users, slashing implementation costs and allowing businesses to scale their automation efforts with ease.
  • Agility at your fingertips: No more waiting for programmers to catch up. With no-code, citizen developers can quickly build and adapt bots as needed. This makes organizations agile and responsive to changing business dynamics.

The trend is also supported by:

  • Leading VCs: The interest of major investors in low-code/no-code solutions points to their potential for substantial growth and success, similar to platforms like Twilio and Airtable.
  • Startup activity: The emergence of new no-code RPA startups indicates the growing demand for such solutions and the potential for further innovation in the space.
  • RPA companies’ efforts: Established RPA vendors are recognizing the trend and investing in simplifying programming or developing their own no-code solutions to stay competitive.

Moreover, similar to how Excel empowered finance professionals to automate tasks like budgeting and forecasting, no-code RPA empowers citizen developers in marketing, HR, operations, and other departments to automate their own workflows.

4.2. Auto-extract process knowledge

In fact, RPA developers need to understand the process they are programming before doing it. However, most companies lack proper documentation, manuals, or updated process diagrams for their workflows, particularly for repetitive tasks. 

That’s why auto-extracting process knowledge from videos and logs, generating process flows and insights is one of the top priorities for companies to save time and effort. In addition, process mining tools provide up-to-date information on process variations, bottlenecks, and inefficiencies, ensuring accuracy and reflecting real-world execution. 

Current Stage and Future Outlook

  • Early adopter stage: While the technology is promising, large-scale customer success stories in using process mining specifically for RPA development are still emerging.
  • RPA companies and startups are heavily invested: Both established RPA vendors and new startups are developing their own process mining capabilities or integrating existing solutions, recognizing its potential value.
  • Continued development and integration: With ongoing research and innovation, process mining tools are expected to become more sophisticated and seamlessly integrated with its platforms, streamlining the automation process from knowledge extraction to bot deployment.

4.3. AI and ML

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) is a defining trend in RPA for 2024 and beyond. However, it’s not just a trend, it’s the metamorphosis of RPA into a powerful and intelligent automation solution. Here are some reasons why:

  • Learning and Adapting: Imagine bots that not only learn from data but also adapt their behaviour based on those learnings. With AI and ML, it can analyse past data to identify anomalies or potential errors, proactively flagging issues for human review, making the automation process more intelligent and resilient.
  • Tackling Complex Processes with Ease: RPA struggled with complex workflows, but AI and ML has changed the game. By understanding historical data and identifying patterns, AI-powered bots can handle intricate processes, predicting potential problems and taking corrective actions before they occur. This could free up human resources for more strategic tasks while ensuring smoother and more efficient operations.
  • Resilience: The real world is messy, and processes rarely follow rigid scripts. AI and ML empower RPA to handle exceptions and dynamic scenarios with grace. Think of a customer service bot encountering an unexpected inquiry. With ML, it can analyse past interactions and similar situations, suggesting appropriate responses or even escalating the issue intelligently, ensuring a seamless experience for the customer. 
  • Intelligent Automation: This integration is not just about individual capabilities, it’s about creating a synergy between AI and ML. AI provides the cognitive power for learning and adaptation, while ML fuels it with data insights. This synergy paves the way for truly intelligent automation, where robots collaborate with humans, learn from each other, and continuously improve the overall process.

The Right Future

While the full potential of AI and ML in RPA is still unfolding, the progress is undeniable. As these technologies mature and integrate further, we can expect even more exciting advancements:

  • Hyperautomation: Combining RPA with other intelligent technologies like process mining and low-code platforms for holistic automation.
  • Democratisation of automation: Empowering citizen developers to build AI-powered bots with user-friendly interfaces.
  • Ethical considerations: Ensuring responsible development and deployment of AI-powered RPA solutions that prioritise human well-being.

4.4. Cloud-based RPA

Cloud-based RPA is not just a convenient deployment option. It’s a paradigm shift towards scalability, agility and accessibility in the world of automation. Let’s dive deeper:

The Cloud’s Compelling Advantages

  • Effortless Deployment: Cloud-based RPA allows businesses to deploy bots quickly and easily, eliminating the need for IT infrastructure and support. This translates to reduced costs and faster time-to-value.
  • Scalability on Demand: It offers the flexibility to scale up or down your automation efforts as needed, ensuring you\’re always equipped to handle changing demands.
  • Real-time Insights Anywhere: Cloud-based RPA empowers you to access real-time data and insights from anywhere, at any time, enabling informed decision-making and proactive problem-solving.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Automating tasks and processes is the core of RPA, and the cloud takes it a step further. It streamlines operations, freeing up employees to focus on higher-level tasks that require human expertise.

While this may be true, it’s crucial to approach cloud-based RPA with a thoughtful mindset, like data security, regulatory compliance and IT infrastructure impact. 

The Future is Cloudy

Cloud-based RPA is not just a trend; it\’s the future of automation. As technology evolves, we can expect:

  • Hyperautomation: Cloud-based RPA will seamlessly integrate with other intelligent automation technologies like AI and ML, creating a comprehensive automation ecosystem.
  • Democratization of Automation: User-friendly cloud platforms will empower citizen developers to build and deploy bots, further expanding the reach of automation.
  • Hybrid Cloud Models: Businesses will leverage hybrid cloud models, combining on-premise and cloud infrastructure for optimal flexibility and security.

4.5. RPA as a Service (RaaS)

RaaS (RPA as a Service) is expected to continue gaining significant traction, driven by several key factors.

Accessibility and Affordability

  • Subscription model: Eliminates large upfront investments, making RPA accessible to startups, small businesses, and even individual departments within larger organizations.
  • Scalability: Allows businesses to easily scale their usage up or down based on changing needs, providing flexibility and cost-effectiveness.
  • Simplified budgeting: Predictable monthly or annual fees simplify budgeting and financial planning for its initiatives.

Ease of Use and Management

  • Reduced IT burden: RaaS providers handle infrastructure, maintenance, and updates, freeing up IT resources for other tasks.
  • User-friendly platforms: Many RaaS platforms offer intuitive interfaces and pre-built components, making them easy to use even for non-technical users.
  • Support and training: RaaS providers often offer ongoing support, training, and best practices guidance, ensuring successful RPA implementation.

It’s important to consider potential challenges

  • Vendor lock-in: Switching between RaaS providers can be complex, so careful evaluation and selection are crucial.
  • Limited customization: Compared to on-premise deployments, RaaS solutions may offer less customization flexibility.
  • Security concerns: Sharing organisational data through a RaaS platform necessitates robust security measures and data governance practices.


In conclusion, the future of RPA development pulsates with innovation and potential. By embracing emerging trends and leveraging the power of AI, cloud computing, and user-centric design, businesses can unlock a new era of intelligent automation. Imagine bots that learn, adapt, and collaborate seamlessly with humans, tackling complex processes with newfound agility. This future holds immense promise, empowering organisations to streamline operations, optimise workflows, and free up human talent for strategic endeavours. The time to act is now. By starting your journey today, you can position your business as a leader in the automation revolution, reaping the rewards of efficiency, agility, and a competitive edge in the years to come.

Ready to unlock the transformative power of RPA? Contact AgileTech today and embark on your automation journey with confidence.