Low-Code/No-Code vs. Traditional Development: An Ultimate Guide For 2024

Our previous blog discussed the definition of Low-Code/No-Code, their advantages and how they were applied to empower our work. Continuing that post, this post will address a debate between Low-Code/No-code Development and traditional development. 

Nowadays, Low-code and no-code tools are blurring the lines between IT professionals and “regular” users. Gartner forecasts this citizen-developer revolution will reach peak momentum in 2025, with a whopping 65% of app development powered by these accessible platforms. But before you jump on the LCNC bandwagon, consider this: choosing the right development tool, be it LCNC or traditional coding, is crucial for your project’s success. This article is your roadmap, navigating the intricacies of each approach and equipping you with the knowledge to make an informed decision. Buckle up, as we demystify the code vs. no-code battle and guide you towards the perfect development tool for your needs!

low-code/no-code vs traditional development

1. Traditional Development

Traditional approach (aka custom software development) involves manual coding, using programming languages like Java, C+, Python…

Developers write single lines of code to create custom software applications that meet specific business requirements. This approach requires a team of programmers and takes several months to complete, involving multiple stages like requirements gathering, design, coding, testing, and deployment. 

Imagine traditional development is like building a house from scratch. You need architects, engineers, skilled workers and a whole toolbox of materials and techniques. It’s powerful, flexible, and offers complete control, but it also takes time, skill, and resources. It’s powerful, flexible, and offers complete control, but it also takes time, skill, and resources. You’d need:

  • Skilled app developers
  • Software requirements specifications
  • Appropriate tech stack (databases, programming languages, etc.)
  • Software tools for writing and managing code

2. Low-code/No-code Development

2.1. Definition

On the other hand, Low-code/No-code Development is a visual development approach that enables non-developers (a.k.a citizen developers). Instead of code editors and complex syntax, low-code/no-code platforms provide visual interfaces and drag-and-drop tools. 

Think of it as building with Legos for your house. You still need some planning and assembly, but most of the heavy lifting is done with ready-made components. It’s faster, easier to learn, and accessible to non-technical folks. However, flexibility and customization are limited compared to traditional methods.

>>> Read more: Discover Low-Code/No-Code To Empower Your Work

2.2. Key Features

Visual Development Environment

  • Drag-and-drop interfaces: Users build applications by visually arranging components and elements, rather than writing lines of code. It’s like assembling a web page or app using building blocks.
  • Intuitive design tools: Platforms provide editors and visual tools for designing user interfaces, workflows, and data models.

Pre-built Components and Templates

  • Common features and functionalities: Platforms offer a library of pre-built components, like forms, buttons, data tables, and integrations with external services.
  • Ready-to-use templates: Users can start with pre-designed templates for common app types, such as business process automation, web portals, or mobile apps, and customise them to their needs.

Logic and Workflow Building

  • Visual logic builders: Users define app behaviour and interactions using visual tools like flowcharts, decision trees, and rule builders, rather than writing complex code.
  • Integration with external services: Platforms often provide connectors to integrate with various external systems, such as databases, CRMs, and social media platforms.

Deployment and Maintenance

  • Simplified deployment: Apps can be deployed to production environments with minimal technical expertise, often with a few clicks or automated processes.
  • Automatic updates: Platforms often handle updates and maintenance of the underlying infrastructure, reducing the need for manual IT involvement.

Collaboration and Version Control:

  • Team collaboration: Some platforms support team development and collaboration features, enabling multiple users to work on projects simultaneously.
  • Version control: Platforms may offer versioning capabilities to track changes and revert to previous versions if needed.

2.3. Strengths & Limitations

Strengths of Low-Code/No-Code Development

  • Speed and accessibility: Development is often much faster, allowing anyone with basic technical skills to create apps. It’s like making art accessible to everyone, not just trained artists.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Low-code/no-code can reduce development costs by minimising the need for expensive developer resources. It’s like having a well-stocked art studio that’s affordable to use.
  • User-friendliness: Visual interfaces and intuitive tools make it easier for non-technical users to understand and contribute to development. It’s like painting with watercolours instead of mastering oil painting techniques.

Some limitations to consider

  • Limited flexibility: While platforms offer customization options, they may not be as flexible as traditional development for highly complex or unique projects. It’s like working within the constraints of available paints and canvas sizes.
  • Vendor lock-in: Switching platforms or exporting code can sometimes be challenging, creating a dependency on the chosen vendor. It’s like choosing a specific art studio with its unique tools and supplies.
  • Potential performance or scalability issues: Low-code/no-code apps might not be as optimised for performance or handle large-scale applications as effectively as custom-built solutions. It’s like comparing a quickly made sketch to a meticulously crafted oil painting.

3. Low-code/No-code Use Cases

Web and Mobile Apps

  • Business websites: Create informative and engaging websites to showcase products, services, and company information.
  • E-commerce platforms: Build online stores with shopping carts, payment gateways, and inventory management.
  • Customer portals: Provide a secure hub for customers to access account information, track orders, and communicate with support.
  • Employee portals: Streamline internal processes with portals for tasks like time tracking, expense management, and document sharing.
  • Mobile apps: Develop apps for tasks like data collection, field service management, and customer engagement.

Workflow Automation

  • Business process automation (BPA): Design and automate repetitive tasks and workflows, such as expense approvals, onboarding processes, and client intake forms.
  • Task management: Create and track tasks, assign them to team members, and monitor progress.
  • Project management: Manage project timelines, milestones, resources, and communication.
  • Document management: Streamline document creation, approval, storage, and sharing.

Data Management and Analytics

  • Data dashboards: Build interactive dashboards to visualise key metrics and track performance.
  • Reporting tools: Generate custom reports and visualisations from various data sources.
  • Data collection apps: Create forms and surveys to gather data from customers or employees.
  • Data integration and analysis: Connect to different data sources and perform basic analysis without coding.

Integrations and APIs

  • Connect to external systems: Integrate with CRMs, ERPs, payment gateways, social media platforms, and other services.
  • Build APIs: Create APIs to expose data and functionality to other systems or apps.
  • Automate data exchange: Automate data transfer between different systems and apps.

Customer Engagement

  • Chatbots: Design chatbots to provide automated customer support, answer questions, and guide users.
  • Personalised marketing campaigns: Create targeted email campaigns and landing pages based on customer data.
  • Feedback and survey tools: Gather customer feedback and insights to improve products and services.

Internal Tools and Apps:

  • Employee onboarding: Create interactive onboarding portals and training materials.
  • Knowledge bases and wikis: Build internal knowledge bases for sharing information and best practices.
  • Project tracking: Develop apps to track project progress, tasks, and resources.
  • Approval workflows: Automate approval processes for expense reports, vacation requests, and other internal workflows.

4. Low-code/No-code vs Traditional Development: Which One is Better?

Here’s a table comparing Low-code/No-code and Traditional Development:

FeatureLow-code/No-code DevelopmentTraditional Development
CodingMinimal or no coding requiredExtensie coding required
Technical ExpertiseAccessible to non-technical usersRequires experienced developers
Development SpeedRapid development cyclesLonger development process
CustomisationLimited by platform capabilitiesUnlimited customisation
TestingFunctionality and usability tests ensure all components of the app are in orderThere are tester and QA engineers to carry out tests to ensure developers’ code works as intended
DeploymentMost LCNC platforms offer hosting environment from where the apps can be deployedThe app is deployed to a chosen infrastructure, which may involve setting up dedicated servers, databases and network configurations
MaintenanceOften easier due to visual interfacesCan be more complex and time-consuming
CostGenerally lower development costHigher development costs due to labour
Time to MarketFaster time to marketLonger time to market
ScalabilityCan be limited for highly complex or high-volume applicationsCan be scaled to meet any needs
Vendor Lock-inPotential risk of vendor lock-inNo vendor lock-in
SecuritySecurity measures depend on platformFull control over security
Ideal Use Cases Simpler applications, rapid prototyping, automating tasksHighly customised, complex applications, mission-critical systems

Ultimately, you don’t have to pick a winner, and there is no battle between the two. The right approach to you depends on what you are going to build, and how you want your product to be. In some cases, you can combine the two options to leverage the strengths of each and build powerful applications. 

5. Considering Factors When Choosing the Right Option for Your Project

Before choosing the right development for your project, there are some factors you need to consider about its essence. Let’s take a look:

Project Complexity

If your app is your core of business with many unique features, requiring highly customised and complex apps, then choose traditional development, as it provides the necessary flexibility and control. In contrast, if you need simpler apps, rapid prototyping, or automating tasks, then low-code/no-code platforms can significantly accelerate development cycles. 


If you already have a clear roadmap with well-defined future features and functionalities, then traditional development can offer greater control and flexibility to accommodate evolving needs. In case you are still uncertain or have rapidly changing requirements, low-code/no-code platforms allow for quicker adjustments and adaptations as needs evolve.

Budget & Development Resources

In fact, Low-code/No-code can reduce costs by minimising reliance on expensive developers and shortening development time. While this may be true, traditional development can be affordable, you need to consider the cost of hiring and retaining skilled developers, as well as the potential for longer development cycles.

For projects under $10,000, no-code platforms offer an ideal cost-effective solution. With a budget between $20,000 and $30,000, low-code platforms provide a balance of efficiency and customization. For budgets exceeding $80,000, custom development unlocks the full potential of tailored solutions to meet the most complex needs. 

Imagine crafting a news reader app. While the functionality remains the same, the development route you choose dramatically impacts your budget and timeline

  • No-code: Get your app running in just a week for a budget-friendly $4,500. Speed and savings, hand in hand!
  • Low-code: Double the development time (two weeks) but still enjoy cost-effectiveness with a price tag of around $9,000.
  • Custom-development: Opt for full control and customization, but be prepared for a four-week journey and a heftier budget of $16,000.

Development Speed

Low-code/No-code platforms excel in delivering apps quickly, so you can choose them for rapid development and quick iterations. However, traditional development allows for greater control and customisation, potentially balancing with a longer development process and less strict deadlines.

User Interface (UI)

Traditional development provides full control over the visual design and user experience, so you can highly customise your UI with unique design elements of complex user interactions. Low-code/No-code platforms often offer pre-built UI components and templates, so it won’t give you enough room to wiggle with the UI/UX.

External Integration

Theoretically, low-code platforms allow you to integrate various data sources, external systems, and legacy infrastructure. But if you need deeper and more sophisticated integration, e.g, fetch data from the stock market, process it in the app, and pass it onto other services, you’ll get better result with custom development 

Convoluted Logic

With applications involving complex algorithms, intricate data processing, or performance-critical functions, traditional development might be more suitable for handling such complexities. Therefore, simpler logic and data flows can be effectively managed within low-code/no-code platforms.


So, have you chosen your champion? Whether you side with the swift efficiency of LCNC or the unwavering control of traditional development, remember this: the ideal tool lies not in blind allegiance, but in a clear understanding of your project’s unique needs and aspirations. Weigh the speed, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness of LCNC against the limitless customization and performance of traditional coding. Don’t be afraid to explore hybrid approaches, blending the strengths of both to craft a perfect solution.

Ultimately, the key to success lies in making an informed choice, one that empowers you to build the applications that revolutionise your world. Embrace the power of development, in all its code-filled and code-free glory, and step into the future, your perfect tool in hand!

Are you ready to unlock the power of Low-code/No-code in your business? Contact AgileTech today! Register this form for a free consultation and discover how we can help your business turn your ideas into reality.

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